Exercises to Relieve a Pinched Nerve in the Neck
A damaged or compressed nerve is referred to as a pinched nerve. It manifests itself after an injury or inflammation has occurred to a nerve root. The point at which a nerve first separates from the spinal cord is referred to as the nerve root.
It is possible to compress a nerve in several locations along the spine, including the neck, the thoracic region, or the lumbar region. Sometimes, a compressed nerve in the neck causes radiculopathy. Numerous symptoms, such as numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain in the affected arm, can be brought on by radiculopathy.
According to a reliable source, pinched nerves affect approximately 85 out of every 100,000 adults in the United States each year. Herniated discs are typically the culprit in cases involving adults in their early to middle 40s. This occurs when one of the soft discs that are located in between the vertebrae of your spine slips out of place and irritates the nerves that are located in the surrounding area. It’s possible that a sudden movement like bending, twisting, or lifting caused it.
People in their 50 and 54 are most likely to experience pinched nerves. The degeneration of the spine that comes with advancing age is frequently the culprit in cases involving middle-aged people and older adults. Thinner discs may develop with time, which may cause the vertebrae in the spine to compress and aggravate nearby nerves. Another probable reason for nerve compression is bony growth.
The sensation of pins and needles is common when a nerve in the neck is compressed. Shoulder, arm, or hand pain and weakness are also potential side effects of this condition.
Severe cases require medical care. Exercises for a pinched nerve in the neck are something you can look into if your symptoms aren’t too severe.
Exercise-based physiotherapy for a pinched nerve in the neck
You can learn the stretches from a physical therapist that work best for easing pinched nerve problems.
However, performing workouts that aren’t too demanding may help to reduce minor pain. These exercises are geared toward stretching the muscles in the neck and relieving pressure on the nerve.
Move slowly through these motions to reduce the risk of further nerve damage. You are free to perform them in either a seated or standing position.
Stretch of the traps
The trapezius muscles are located in the upper back, and behind the shoulders. They can cause your spine and nerves to become compressed if they are too tight.
These muscles will become more flexible as a result of this exercise, and any trapped nerves will be released.
- Position your right hand so that it is underneath your right thigh.
- Bend your left hand to the left side of your head in a slight bending motion.
- Pause for thirty seconds. Perform this step three times on each side.
Tuck in the chin
By stretching out your neck in this way, you can relieve some of the tension that has built up in the muscles of your neck. Additionally, the posture of the head and neck will be improved as a result.
- Put your fingers on your chin in this position.
- Make yourself a “double chin” by slowly bringing your chin closer to the base of your neck.
- Maintain this position for three to five seconds. Relax.
- Repeat anywhere between three and five times.
Once you’ve gotten the hang of the move and are confident in it, try performing chin tucks without using your fingers.
Chin tuck while extending the neck
You can modify the chin tuck by adding movement. Your neck will be stretched in a different direction as a result of using it.
Dizziness is a possible side effect of this exercise for some people. If you have problems with dizziness, you should stay away from it.
- To perform a chin tuck, simply tilt your head backward.
- Raise your head slowly until it is parallel to the ceiling.
- It’s time to revisit the chin tuck. Relax.
- Perform two sets of five repetitions each.
Head turn
Your range of motion in your neck may be reduced if you have a pinched nerve, but turning your head may provide some relief. This exercise should be carried out in a measured and controlled manner. If there is pain, you should attempt the movement with less force.
- Bring your head and your neck into proper alignment. Look ahead.
- Make a gentle movement to turn your head to the right. A pause of between five and ten seconds.
- Make a measured turn to the left. A pause of between five and ten seconds.
- Additionally, you can tilt your head up and down as well as side to side.
Neck bend
Exercises that involve bending the neck, such as chin tucks, will provide relief if you suffer from a pinched nerve in the neck. In addition to that, you should perform this stretch slowly.
- Move your chin in a slow and gentle motion down toward your chest.
- Pause. Bring yourself back to the starting position.
- Act 5–10 times.
Shoulder roll
Shoulder rolls are an excellent technique to reduce stress in both the shoulders and neck. This may help alleviate some of the discomfort and pressure caused by a pinched nerve.
- Raise the tops of your shoulder blades, and then roll them both forward and backward.
- Repeat anywhere between five and six times.
- It should be done again going the other way.