This Is How Many Exercises You Should Do Per Muscle Group

We are aware that strength training is beneficial, if not fantastic, for one’s health.

Incorporating strength training into your regular fitness regimen is a no-brainer for several reasons, including improved balance and the ability to better control your weight as well as increased muscle growth and bone density.

Figuring out the logistics of everything is an endeavor that is incomparably more difficult. Is there a “perfect” number of days in a week that you should devote to exercise? Should the upper and lower bodies be treated separately? How many repetitions, and how many sets?

There is a wealth of knowledge at one’s disposal, as well as a variety of approaches to training. In this piece, we’ll investigate the question of how many different workouts you should perform for each muscle group.

What’s the quick response to that question?

It changes depending on several factors, one of which being your current level of fitness and your ambitions.

For example, it should come as no surprise that the number of weekly sets you complete has a direct correlation with the amount of muscle hypertrophy, also known as size increase. But what if you’re interested in developing your muscular strength instead? Or muscular endurance? Sticking to just a few fundamental exercises and concentrating your reps and sets on those exercises is the most effective way to increase strength. If you want to put on more muscle, you should do a variety of different exercises and spread out the number of reps and sets you do for each one.

Correllated research

Per workout vs. per week

Should you think about exercises every week for each muscle group, or should you focus on each workout individually?

To gain a deeper comprehension of this matter, we need to begin by discussing the length of the instruction.

The appropriate amount of training volume for you will be determined by several criteria, including your current level of fitness and your desired outcomes.

It is ideal to think about training volume as a weekly aim, as this variable takes into consideration the total number of times per week that you intend to train a particular muscle group.

Your volume goal will not change regardless of whether you train each muscle group once per week or three times per week; it will always be the same. You will just modify your desired total number of repetitions and sets for each workout.

Sets vs. repetitions in a workout

Consider your workouts in terms of sets rather than repetitions to get the most out of them.

When planning the number of your weekly workouts, keep in mind that the greater the number of repetitions you perform, the fewer sets you will have to carry out. This almost certainly results in a lighter overall load.

On the other hand, the converse is also true: the fewer repetitions you finish, the greater the likelihood that you will need to perform a greater number of sets.

When you’ve decided what you want to accomplish, you’ll be able to determine whether your workouts will focus on sets or reps.

Weekly volume vs. weekly frequency

One last thing to think about is whether you want to cram all of your weekly exercises into one workout or break it up into multiple sessions.

Your outcomes may be affected by factors such as the number of times per week that you train individual muscle groups, often known as the frequency of your workouts.

Because you will be less weary and your muscles will have the opportunity to recover, you will be able to perform more effectively even when you are nearing the conclusion of your sets.

Figuring out how to break up.

Workout splits target various muscle groups or regions throughout separate sessions, looking at things from a weekly or even a monthly perspective, as opposed to viewing all of your workouts through the lens of a “whole body” workout.

For example, a very basic split routine would consist of upper-body exercises followed by lower-body exercises. You could even break it down further by designating one day per week to work on your chest, triceps, and abdominals; one day per week to work on your back and biceps; one day per week to work on your legs and shoulders; and so on. These breaks are essential because recovery is an essential component of getting results, particularly as the amount of exercise you do becomes more intense.

How to maximize your routine

There are a few things that you should always keep in mind, regardless of the schedule that you choose to follow.

Rest periods

In general, a decent rule of thumb is that the longer the break you should take in between sets should be proportional to the amount of weight that is being lifted.

Aim for a minimum of two minutes of rest between sets while working with lower rep ranges. In higher rep ranges, your goal should be anywhere from 30 seconds to a full minute.


The difference between low, moderate, and high rep ranges is in the degree to which you push yourself to complete the very last repetition.

If the final repetition does not present a challenge, you are not lifting a heavy enough weight.


Recovery is more than merely spreading out your workouts so you have time to recover in between sessions. A healthy diet and getting enough rest are also very crucial aspects.

It is important to ensure that you are getting the most out of your efforts by ensuring that you are getting enough sleep and eating a healthy, well-balanced diet.

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